Power Of Energy Medicine

As one of my teachers said

“Energy is the foundation of emotional and physical health. Energy Medicine brings you vitality when you are drained, health when you are ill, and joy when you are down."”

-Donna Eden

Energy medicine is both a complement to other approaches to health care and a complete system for self-care and self-help. It can address physical illness and emotional, spiritual or mental disorders, and can also promote high-level wellness and peak performance. It works with the subtle energy that surrounds the body, known as the “the field” and within the body, known as “the chakras”. Energy is your life-force. It is what brings vitality to all your organs and body’s tissues. Energy is working with the magic of life. It is everything!

You heal the body by activating its natural healing energies; you also heal the body by restoring energies that have become weak, disturbed, blocked or out of balance.

To accomplish this goal, energy medicine utilizes techniques from healing traditions such as shamanism, acupuncture, yoga, kinesiology, biofield tuning, sound & light therapy and qi gong. Flow, balance, and harmony can be non-invasively restored and maintained within an energy system by tapping, massaging, pinching, twisting, drumming, shaking, tuning or connecting specific energy points (acupoints) on the skin; by tracing or swirling the hand over the skin along specific energy pathways; through exercises or postures designed for specific energetic effects; by focused use of the mind to connect to a higher energy & move specific energies; and/or by surrounding an area with healing energies (one person’s energies impacts another’s so that it can be received and accepted).

Using energy medicine to treat illness and relieve pain; stop the onset of illness as soon as it begins, stimulate immune function, relieve headaches, release stress, improve memory, enhance digestion, relieve arthritis, neck, shoulder, and low back pain, acknowledge shadows & old belief systems, mental congestion, clearing out what is not your energy, taking on other people’s energies and to cope with electromagnetic pollution.

The greatest thing about this method of healing is that you are able to master it yourself because you are energy! You are electric and you carry electromagnetic energy through your body. By learning simple energy techniques to keep your energies balanced and humming, you can improve your health, sharpen your mind, and increase your joy and vitality. With qigong you can learn pressure points on the body that quickly shift your energy patterns and effect your internal organs creating flow and harmony.

…or find a practitioner who has practiced playing, exploring and learning the nuances of energy, the pathways and the flow of a pure circuit vs. a blocked one. Make sure you trust them as the energy you receive can only be as pure as the energy of where the practitioner is at within their own healing journey.

Energy sessions can look like anything under the book. Because energy is everywhere it doesn’t need to be in-person so it can be done anywhere, with anyone, at anytime. Energy traverses the boundaries of space and time and can heal past, present and future even!! It’s what comes into play before the material of the physical body and world. Experts say that if you learn to work with energy first you become the master of the material and physical world. Curious?

Book a session with me and explore what it can do for you. Let us together move those blocks and places of congestion within your energy field and flow that vital life force energy again. No one should have to live with the discomforts of stuck energy.

Book your energy session here. I offer both deep sessions 75 min. ($125) of transformation as well as short 20 min ($45) sessions for a refresher.

Power of Sound As Medicine

According to the Article written by Chase from ‘Musical Growth’ I learned a lot of the science behind frequencies as medicine, as follows below.

Homoeopathic medicine and noninvasive therapies have been a long-standing trend in Europe, especially in India, Japan, Tibet, and other Eastern countries. America, however, is beginning to catch up (finally!).

Yoga, Energy Medicine (Reiki), pranic healing, salt therapy, and sound therapy, for example, have been around for thousands of years and have stood the test of time. Before attempting Western medicine to cure, relieve, or prevent bodily pain, consider healing with sound frequencies and sound therapy.

Healing with sound frequencies has been around since the use of Tibetan singing bowls began over 2,000 years ago. So how does it work? What are the frequencies? Can it be done at home?

Why “Frequencies”?

“Frequency” is a measurement of how often something occurs on a recurring basis. One full completion of this repeating pattern is referred to as a “cycle.” So frequency is a measured number defined by how fast these cycles occur.

Frequency =  cycles per amount of time

When it comes to defining pitches or tones, the “frequency” is defined more specifically by measuring how many cycles occur per second – which is referred to as “Hertz,” named after Heinrich Hertz (1857 – 1894), a German physicist who made important contributions to the scientific study of electromagnetism. “Hertz” was established as a measurement by the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) in 1930.

Hertz = cycles per second

Most everything that vibrates can have a Hertz measurement including sound, radiation, computers, phones etc., but as far as sound waves go, not all frequencies can be heard by the human ear.

The average person can hear a range of 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz; whereas, most of the important sounds we hear on an everyday basis range from 250 to 6,000 Hz.

Our hearing becomes weaker as we age as well, so those in their twenties have no problem hearing tones at 20,000 Hz but older people over 60 years-old have a difficult time hearing tones above 8,000 Hz.

Why “Sound”?

Everything in the universe that exists within our dimension’s laws of physics has a vibration – from string theory to cells to light to cosmic rays, everything vibrates. The Universe was created with soundwaves.

When “sound” occurs, especially lower frequencies, they activate certain resonant spaces depending on the frequency/space relation. Even different materials can be manipulated by frequencies because of sympathetic vibrations. When striking a low C on an acoustic piano, all the above C’s and it’s relative harmonic series resonate. This is that of the natural occurrence of the overtone series (also known as the harmonic series). Without getting into overtones TOO much, each acoustically made tone emphasizes multiple overtone pitches existent within a naturally made sound (not electronically manufactured). Instruments sound different from one another because of this variation in overtone combination.When it comes to sound healing, the body resonates at certain frequencies. Have you ever wondered why you feel the beat at the club? Or maybe you’ve felt your heart flutter with certain songs & people?

Sound healing focuses on specific frequencies that resonate with our chakras, or sources of life energy (Chi, Prana, Qi).

The reason Tibetan singing bowls work so well in sound healing is that the metal alloys (5, 7, 9, or 12 different metals hand-hammered together) create some of the purest tones that maintain unwavering frequencies after ringing.

Music is a bit different though. Music can be defined as organized sound. Sound can be defined as vibrations that travel through the air, water, or other medium. Usually, nature creates sound in an unorganized or chaotic fashion with no purpose. When sounds are organized with human intent and purpose behind it, we can refer to it as “music.”

That is why is it called sound healing and not musical therapy. Musical therapy is the act of performing, creating, or listening to music. Sound healing is primarily using “sound” as a form of noninvasive healing.

How does it heal?

It is all about the chakras.

Although in total there are 11 chakras, the Western world focuses on the less dangerous seven (7): root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown (from the bottom of the spine to the top of the head).

These spinning wheels of energy soak in life force around us and release the byproducts after processing – much like breathing (the intake of oxygen leads to the exhale of carbon dioxide).

As we take in energy, these chakras (or “wheels” in Sanskrit) spin clockwise. As the byproducts are expelled, the wheels spin counter-clockwise (according to Master Stephen Co). The spinning occurs at a certain cycle in time and therefore can be measured in terms of frequency, thus bringing us back to its relation to sound.

When these wheels of energy spin too fast or too slow, it can affect the rest of the chakras (like the domino effect). Imagine a car with only four wheels (instead of 7!) – if one of the tires were flat, the weight of the car would be skewed causing abnormal wear on the other tires. If one is out, the others are negatively affected.

So it’s just as crucial for our health to check on the proper “spinning” of our chakras as it is to consistently check on our car’s tire pressure to ensure proper functionality.

By sounding a certain pitch (with a specific frequency) that resonates with one of our “flat” wheels of energy (or chakra), we can begin to coerce and influence the irregular cycle to spin at the more natural pace or frequency. Much like sympathetic vibrations in the laws of acoustical engineering.

So in sound healing, Chakras are influenced by sound vibrations to spin at the proper frequency. This, in turn, aligns our chakras and again allows the body to more naturally take in life force around us. This enables the tense-free channelling of energy through to the entire body.

Sound healing is essentially helping to remove blockages in our chakras that stop the flow of energy in our body.

The body itself is a product of nature and when allowed to function freely (when all chakras are aligned), a natural healing process occurs. The body knows how to heal itself already, we just need to let it. By removing blockages in our “energy body” or the chakras, we allow this process to happen.

What are the specific frequencies?

Most might think the next part is a divine secret withheld behind expensive fees. Well, you’re wrong! The great thing about spiritual teachers and true knowledge is that it is made available to all. Humanity should be able to access such power. No one should withhold valuable information if they truly care about the welfare of their fellow neighbor.

These frequencies are multiples of each other. For example, the Crown chakra resonates at 216 and the double of 216 which is 432 and the double of that which is 864. The reason being, it’s the same “note” just an octave higher.

Each chakra is located at a specific point in the body:

  • Crown – the top of your head

  • 3rd eye – between your eyebrows

  • throat – between the collarbone and extends both upward to the eyes and down to the heart

  • Heart – right over the heart

  • Solar – abdominals, starts at belly-button and goes up to the breastbone

  • sacral – below the belly-button

  • Root – the base of the spine

Our body is made of around 60% of water and sound waves move much faster (several times faster) through water in comparison to air AND can travel farther distances. Plus, according the latest research by Gerald Pollack and Veda Austin, water has been seen to hold consciousness.

It’s only logical to conclude that the spaces in our body are susceptible to the physics of sound as well and thus react in a similar way. Sympathetic vibrations occur when presented with specific frequencies or tones – why would our body be any different?

As far as chakra-specific frequencies, there are very few sources for objective research to be found. Mainly because there have been numerous systems used in sound healing, including:

  • Steven Halpern’s 7-note scale (began in 1975)

  • Randall McClelland’s harmonic series (began in 1988)

Steven Halpern is one of the most well-known composers of chakra healing music since his debut album, “Chakra Suite,” in 1975 which has sold almost a million copies by now. Halpern conducted sonic research involving a seven-note scale (C, D, E, F, G, A, B) which he believed to resonate best with our chakras after experimenting with hundreds of people in 1985.

A system in 1988 coined by Randall McClellan, assumed that exact pitches varied per person and focused primarily with overtones and harmonics. Depending on each person’s specific resonant “note,” each overtone above this note would then be most effective. For example, if “C” was a person’s fundamental tone, then:

  • The 2nd harmonic would resonate with the Root chakra (C)

  • The 3rd harmonic would resonate with the Sacral chakra (G)

  • The 4th harmonic would resonate with the Navel chakra (C)

  • The 5th harmonic would resonate with the Heart chakra (E)

  • The 6th harmonic would resonate with the Throat chakra (G)

  • The 7th harmonic would resonate with the Brow chakra (Bb)

  • The 8th harmonic would resonate with the Crown chakra (C)

But as stated by McClellan, there is no clear indication of which tones correlate the best with the seven chakras. Other researchers before the early 1990’s concluded that no one system works out of all the convoluted ideas of frequencies and chakras.


Everyone musician should know of cymatics. A form of sound study coined by Hans Jenny in the first of the 20th century where a surface is vibrated by sound and particles placed on the surface then move according to the driving frequency and it’s correlating geometry.

Essentially, cymatics gives shape to sound!

It’s hard to explain. But the experiment would be to see how CLEAR the resultant shapes would be when comparing 432Hz vs. 440Hz.

Ideally, I think the changing overtone system used by the founder of the Sound Healers Association, Jonathan Goldman, is best. There are videos all over youtube on the effect of cymatics, go watch a few and let your mind spin…so fun to know how our cellular matrix is responding to these sounds.

The world of noninvasive healing can sometimes be powered by the mind through the “Placebo effect,” but sound healing has a lot of science behind it.

So whether you “believe” in it or not, you should take a moment and consider keeping an open mind. Sound healing is worth a shot, right? Might as well! What’s the harm!

What’s your opinion on sound healing? Have you had any experiences of your own? Let me know in the comments below!

If you want more explanations, I would recommend these books:

Resources: from Chase at Musical Growth

Hope to see some of you at my Sound Bath Journey’s where we meet at The Pool and bathe in the healing frequencies of sound together. Check the Event Calendar Here for dates and locations.

May you all find your natural healing ability and return to your truest Divine self.

Tarah xxoo

Inner-Standing the Quantum Human Design System

Human Design tells us each, how our unique energetic bodies move and operate within the world around us.

This precise system pinpoints the way in which our energy flows as an individual and offers us strategies and insight on how to use our energy correctly so we can find personal alignment as we live our unique life purpose. 

Quantum Human Design combines ancient and modern sciences. It synthesizes wisdom from the Chinese I-Ching, Western Astrology, Hindu Chakra System, and the Kabbalah Tree of Life and integrates this wisdom with Genetics, Quantum Mechanics, Astronomy, and Biochemistry. Truly, a magnificent tool for this time and age of reconditioning.

Scientifically Human Design is based on the Neutrinos. Neutrinos are tiny particles that carry on infinitesimal amount of mass , and as they have mass, they carry information. They are produced from the stars (the Sun produces 70% of all neutrinos) and abort 3 trillion pass through every square inch of the planet per second. It is actually a stream of information, affected by the planets it is passes. At the moment of birth we are imprinted by this neutrino stream. This imprint it is what you see in you Human Design Chart.

In a basic reading you’ll gain insight to your specific way of relating to the world.

We all have a specific Type-The way in which we process energy with its unique combination of Strategy, Authority, Profile, and Definition.

Knowing this information can provide deep insight into why we do what we do, what we need to stop doing (or decondition from), and how we can move forward in our lives as our most magnetic, abundant and authentic self. Just imagine knowing this depth of yourself and then showing up in the world with the space to offer all others a place to deeply know their own energy. Our children and the future generations will have such an amazing experience with acceptance, forgiveness and expression like we have never known before. The freedom that Quantum Healing Design offers is immeasurable.

The primary distinction in the way people experience traits is whether they are “open” or “defined.”

The advance readings will dive deeper into your nine Centers- Head, Ajna, Throat, Self/G, Ego, Sacral, Spleen, Emotional Solar Plexus, and the Root. These areas within your body are where the distribution and transformation of all the energy necessary for the human body. Each of the Centers has its own area of ​​responsibility.

Also within an advanced reading there is opportunity for specific mentoring on areas of deep conditioning or patterns of programmed outdated behavior that may be leading to dis-ease, difficult situations and unnecessary suffering.

Going even deeper offers the availability to experience with how you are aligned with the dance of the universe and this world through all the gates and channels that move through your body, especially when around another persons aura. Many of these centers, gates and channels are either defined and function constantly as you broadcast your intention and energy into the world, or are open available to receive and take in the energies of your environments, relationships and experiences…Oh such magic! This journey back to self

The Quantum Human Design Chart, or Bodygraph, is the map that gives us information about how the body itself and the mind function together, how we personally experience energy, emotion, awareness, identity, ego, instinct, intuition, and the mind.  Among many things, it can also reveal:

  • How our gifts and innate abilities are organically expressed

  • How we can be both wise and vulnerable in relation to the influences around us: societal, interpersonal and planetary

  • Who is attractive to us and why

  • The ways in which we are fixed and consistent, what we can trust in ourselves, how to feel our inner guidance

  • Where we are open to conditioning and coping strategies that lead to confusion, inner conflict, frustration, bitterness, anger and disappointment

  • Which characteristics are conscious and rooted in personality and which are unconscious or rooted in the body

  • How to make decisions using a personal navigation system

  • What role and purpose we are here to express

Most of all, Human Design offers an opportunity to accept and surrender to what is unchangeable and unbroken in us, so that we come to love, trust and rely on ourselves.

A core Human Design motto is “Love Yourself”. All the information found in this rich and complex system can return us to this simple possibility that we are love itself expressing our uniqueness within this human experience. To love and respect ourselves and let life unfold through us.

What it is that makes you uniquely you?

What drives your soul forward and what is a reliable way for you to make decisions?

What are you here to accomplish and learn in this lifetime?

These answers and more are revealed through your unique Human Design.

Body Graph Chart

Human Design can help you make decisions as yourself. If you feel frustration, anger, bittiness, resentment, if you feel that you are not satisfied from your life, you cannot find your peace of mind, you are not successful in your work or you do not have relationships that you are fulfilling, it is because you are dealing life’s everyday’ s dilemmas with your mind.

And decision making from your mind is deeply rooted in your early life’s conditioning. And the voice you can hear in your head to do this or that is not who you are. It is the voice of your parents, the voice your community which says what is correct and what is wrong, it is all kind of voices, but not yours.

Human Design will help you to find your own voice, your way to make decisions as yourself, so that you can find satisfaction in your life, peace of mind, success in your work, and meaningful relationships that will help you grow and fulfill your purpose in this life.

Interested in diving deeper??

Book your reading today👉🏽 BOOK HERE!!


All You Need Is Breath...Just Breathe

Healing is a huge topic on this planet.

Healing our bodies, healing the planet, healing our souls.

We are all seeking to find what the latest trend or science is around healing so we can jump on the bandwagon and get ourselves the latest FIX!

What if I told you that you don’t need anything outside yourself to fully heal? That you already have all you need?

You’ll probably get stuck listening to your monkey mind (ego) say “yeah right, i’ve been dealing with this___fill in the blank____for decades now. This girl is trying to tell me that its been me the whole time!?”

Yup, I am!

We all have our limiting beliefs and for many its been the catalyst for our block in our healing journey!

Healing has become the big headline for our great marathon of life.

What are we missing?

Why are we constantly struggling to heal? Then, once we heal from that___we need to heal from this new symptom__, so the story goes year after year. Diet change, habit change, routine shift, new yoga practice, new meditation practice, new exercise commitment, new drug, herbal medicine, protocol after protocol, coaching program after program and we still aren’t quite surfacing what is rooted deepest of all.

Most of us can say we have tried everything. Some can say they don’t even know what it is they are trying to heal but something just feels OFF!

Healing is a journey that is very often imbedded in every one of our cells.

Cellular healing within our cellular memory.

Dr. Bruce Lipton’s work on “The biology of belief” has shown through many studies that our cells carry a memory of every belief we hold, plus the beliefs of our ancestral line. Epigenetic the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than alteration of the genetic code itself, or how our environment turns a gene on and off. Our lifestyle and habits create our dis-ease in our bodies. We can then completely change our cellular blueprint by new beliefs and perspectives about ourselves. Our DNA holds these imprints and when our bodies start to finally show signs of imbalance, through habit or lifestyle, we make the smallest change or add the newest drug (both herbal and allopathic approach) to stop the symptom, ignoring the root cause of our healing.

But what is the root cause of healing?

For each of us it is a different journey however, it can be uprooted in the same way for all of us. Through the carrier of life itself. THE BREATH!

The breath is the bridge between spirit and matter. Consciously engaging with the breath opens up some of the most powerful mysteries of this existence. The masters of the East knew this and used breath as the way to unlock the secrets to the highest states of consciousness and healing. The breath is so powerful that many masters kept this secret and only passed down this knowledge through closed lineages of initiation.

Conscious breathwork is considered to be one of the most advanced techniques of self-mastery on the path of ascended consciousness, physical and spiritual metamorphosis occur when one focuses on the breath of life.

What does this mean?

While healing can take decades or lifetime(s) to work through the root cause of wounds, emotional blockages, imprints and perspective distortions, breathwork techniques will guide a person right through these layers of resistance and untruths. This will put a person in direct contact with source energy for the realignment of their souls healing journey much quicker than almost any other method of healing.

You can only heal by going through it!

In order to FULLY heal ourselves and all that is in our spiritual line, we must release that which holds us back from our highest SELF. This takes some acceptance of our wounds, some intimate and loving recognition, honoring what shows up and finally integrating wisdom and release before we are truly healed and free. The work is a path of courage and the greatest personal growth you’ll ever go through. Its not an easy one, which is why many bypass their wounds with “feel good” drugs, poor habits or spiritual practices that distract themselves from the pain….temporarily…until it shows up again and they recreate the distraction, somethimes this happens for decades or lifetime/s.

However, moving into deep breathwork and full on commitment, not only fully heals and moves us into transformation, it will life us to new ascended experiences, this can stop the inherited passing of wounds and trapped emotions for the next generations. Creating a new DNA lineage for our future. In order for us to return to wholeness we must be willing to know the totality of what exists within us.

Today our evolution is one of whole healing and ascended consciousness.

FOR ME, I came across deep transformational breathwork when I was looking for a way to embrace surrender and let go of control. I have had a yoga and meditation practice for almost two decades now. I knew that healing only occurred on the deepest level, I knew I had to move through it. I was struggling with Inner anxiety and limiting beliefs that I continually removed with energy medicine and emotional release but they were not going away. Knowing that my subconscious was playing old programming, I had to find a way to rewrite the program. I was using sleep hypnosis on anxiety and removal of subconscious beliefs. I called my spirit guides to direct me into where I was needed to look for deep healing work. I was shown breathwork.

My mind was keeping me trapped by attaching to repeated habits, even though my habits, I thought, were healthy.

I meditate and do daily yoga practices, I eat mostly plant based whole foods, I use a gratitude journal, I spend lots of time in nature, I study and read everyday.

What changed was I decided to join an online Kundalini course. I love to experiment with new forms of personal growth and in the past I tried many different styles of yoga including Kundalini to see what resonated most with me.

Kundalini is a style of yoga (there are many different styles), one which I avoided for many years. I avoided this style of yoga because every time I practiced it, I felt lots of anger and irritation rise in me. Kundalini uses mostly deep breathwork with few small movements along with the breath and some mantras. I love mantras and was interested mostly in the practice for the mantras. I decided to take the course because I couldn’t think of why not! It was there in front of me, an offering and since I’m practicing surrendering to life more, I decided I needed to take the course. Well, it sparked a new direction for sure!

The breathwork sparked some deep seeded anger and intense emotion that needed to be looked at and faced. I quickly noticed that once I was done with a breathing session I would feel incredibly sensitive and a tingling of energy burst through my body and space. This energy awareness grew and has now become what I heal most with. I am tapping into parts of my sacred space that is completely in alignment with my greater master, teacher, and guide. The breath.

I have been able to feel my spirit guides more, I am far less triggered by the outer environments and people. I find myself engaging deeper throughout the days with far more patience than i’ve ever felt. I am fully integrating new practices and techniques into my healing practices. This is self-healing at its best.

When you heal yourself you are able to heal anothers.

Since practicing Kundalini I have found other breathwork techniques I love that challenge me daily and I often find myself trying to skip it that day but when I don’t I am so grateful. This work is the entry point to deep change in our interaction to life. I have included breathwork into my daily practice and am looking to become a certified breathwork facilitator this coming fall. This is truly transformational work, the kind you use plant medicine for, yet its with you always wherever you are, whoever you are, whatever beliefs you do or don’t hold. You can’t ignore the breath of life. You can keep it shallow and disconnected or you can utilize this tool as the greatest gift we have been given.

The breath truly is our gateway to the Divine and to our Divine Selves.