Playing In The Polarities

light & dark

light & dark

Playing with the polarities? What is that?

Polarity is the extreme opposite of each other. So, if you think of a pendulum swinging from side to side it moves from one extreme to the other, passing the zero point or neutral point in the center.

Right now, on our planet, we are in the middle of one of the most historical events that will forever change the way our world moves, breathes, and conducts itself.

There is no question that we have been stuck in an old way of conducting life through systems and institutions that haven’t been supporting the whole of humanity. There is no question that we have been needing a serious upgrade for a very long time. We have been focused on our racing minds and trapped in old beliefs and constructs that were passed down from older generations and given to us at birth. We have been left on our own to remember what we really are.

Many on our planet are experiencing great fear, anxiety, and victimization mentality.


Well, it is obvious that we are going through a time that is uncertain, we have been put in a mandated quarantine and most of our world is placed on pause. Most individuals fully accept the large focus and energy that has been put on the VIRUS!!!!!

Making it flourish in strength and power! (whether its an illusion or a real illusion) everything is actually an illusion….more on this another time.

We have mainstream media feeding the heads of those who still listen with lies, fear base thinking, and a slight glimpse of hope with a planned vaccine for those who comply, to further weaken their immune system and possibly allow for injections of other material. People follow, because they have lost their personal power, from their life training of listening to everyone outside themselves. No one has shown them of their sovereign power that they have always had from the beginning of existence.

In fact, this sovereign power is the life line of our planet. For each individual, this power expands us into our truest selves, to shine and express our unique gifts on this earth, helping to raise our humanity into a civilization where we all thrive in our personal power. In this reality, no one has THE POWER because it belongs to us all. Inside us! This inner power is the portal to complete healing of the physical body, the emotional body, the mental body and the healing of inherited trapped emotions that we are carrying from generations of limited beliefs that are now being invited to release and remove from the collective consciousness. Healing of our connection to the planet!

My personal Awakening journey has taken me from one extreme to the next and back again. I first started in my awakening when I was 7, just barely coming into my conscious self as an individual yet part of a big whole! For all my life, I have felt this whole. I knew from a very young age that there was something bigger within me and that the way the collective reality was expressing its agreement, didn’t work for me and didn’t work for many others.

In any moment in our human experience we are either agreeing with or disagreeing with the actions that are taking place. This structure leaves humanity in pull of extremes energetically. We are either at one end of the pendulum or we swing to the other end. Neither being right or wrong, good or bad, just one extreme to the next.

While we ride the polarities, we are struggling in a battle on one end or the other. This has become a constant earthly battle. A dissociation of ourselves and each other.

Any outer battle is just an inner battle within ourself, since this reality is what we have agreed upon, however we choose to look at it.

We are ONE!

So for example.

Our thoughts are, in every way, the creation of our reality. Quantum Physics, the only real science, has been proving this for decades now. Einstein’s work of relativity explains much of this. With deep work from many modern scientists whom are challenging the old sciences with updated and new exploration in our human psyche and “the field” of energy that surrounds the universe which is impacted by every sentient being whom exists. That “field” is very controllable and manifestations are part of our creation when we learn how to use the quantum field. Law of attraction.

Those who haven’t learned this skill yet are in control of others who consciously create in the field and alter the frequencies on this planet. Our conscious awareness, of what we are all capable of, helps us co-create and not fall into others agendas.

We agree on others plans, agendas, and thoughts and create our reality from this agreement. Whether the belief is limited or not, from the beginning of time we have been trained to follow our teachers, parents, religious leaders, friends, spouses, etc.. outlook on life. Then, through this programming we continue with those agendas and follow suit making them our beliefs, often without even questioning them, losing our sovereign power.

So, here we are in a collective quarantine given the opportunity to Stop. Pause. Move Inward. Realign. Remember. Heal. & Reset The Life-Force, Find Sovereign Power.


Many are trapped in the polarities! You may be asking. What does this mean?

So, let’s take a pendulum again. When it swings on one end it builds momentum and then swings to the other end, the momentum builds then it swings back, over and over again. What it avoids during this momentum is the neutral ground or the zero point in the middle. Here is where stillness exists. In stillness there is surrender, letting go of thought, belief, judgement, opinion. This neutral ground allows for alignment with body, mind, spirit and Truth! Here is the only place where the evolution….not revolution, takes place. The evolution we are moving into is an expansion of our consciousness into unity consciousness. Now, we are all going to move through this one way or another in this physical experience. Evolution is forced by the field of the Divine Source and we all have agreed to this whether we remember or not. As we are all Divine beings.

For many people the transition will be easy and fast. For others, it will take lots of linear time to accept and allow the change to flow. Resistance slows or stops the process. This is because the ego wants to cling to the things that are familiar. The old programming is comfortable to the ego, the ego will resist change at all costs, even when the resistance causes illness, dis-ease and sometimes even death.

The old world paradigm can be challenging to let go of, it’s what we know, what we are familiar with. However, without a collapse of the old, we are unable to create or even be aware of a better way. Surrendering to the zero point allows the transition to naturally occur because there is no judgment, no resistance, only awareness of polarities, awareness of the whole. This moves us into a higher vibration, into expansion.

Many people find themselves caught up in the polarities. They are stuck in either one extreme or the other. Fighting the good fight by claiming their truths are better, more correct than the other. The greatest Truth of all is that there is NO right or wrong, NO good or bad! There is just cause and effect, or energy in motion.

The best thing we can do for the collective of humanity at this time is look fully at all angles. In order to have full discernment you must be aware of all the possibilities that surround that choice. So, If you have found yourself on one end of the spectrum for a long time then check out and research the other side of the spectrum. Look at it fully without any opinion or judgment.

Look at what the other end of the stick is showing you. Be open and sit with it. Then, be neutral. Again, no opinion or judgment.

When you are fully aware of both extremes you are much more able to expand consciousness and move into new possibilities than you could have imagined.

So, for example, let’s work with our current situation…

If you find yourself watching mainstream media, following your parents, friends, teachers and possibly religious leaders in a perspective of what is going on. Try looking at what else is occurring. So, look at conspiracy theories, all of them; look at the possibility that the virus was planned and a big role in controlling humanity and reducing population through vaccines, look at the illuminati, the pedophile rings, the reptilian shapeshifters, the underground corruption of our economy & healthcare systems, 5G technology control, hollywood brain washing tactics, Q-anon, E.T’s. EVERYTHING!

Also, look at spiritual wisdom for these times, look at biblical writings for this time listen to spiritual masters and find your connection to the Creator. Dig DEEP!

Gather all the information you possibly can with no resistance, question deeper and deeper until you have felt you have an entire understanding of the BIG picture with both extremes researched well, trying to keep judgment out of it….best you can!

Sit with it for a day or two.

Find the zero point where neither is right or wrong, good or bad. Just information.

Then, allow yourself to open and expand to the source of the Creator, accepting and surrendering, calmly, to all that is going on at this time, being present.

Trust your higher self, the higher self never feels like anxiety or stress. When you’re connected to your higher self your mind is quiet and you feel very calm.

This is the best place for discernment. This is the best place for alignment. This is the best place for unity consciousness (Christ Consciousness)!

Finding the zero point in any situation or any experience allows us, as spiritual beings having a human experience, to play with this life without becoming too attached to either outcome. Trusting in a Divine Source energy (God) or universe to offer us the exact situations we need for further growth and development as the Divine beings we all are. This helps us to not attach to all the situations but to use them as areas where we need to grow and expand, heal, let go, and transform into elevated beings. This is the evolution we are moving into, a conscious evolution. When we get too attached and focused on the events going on around us on this planet we halt our evolution and get trapped in dense energy.

For what its worth, I trust we are on the perfect path for our growth in humanity. Those ready to expand….will. My guides have shared many wonderful messages with me about our current events. They are getting clearer and clearer to me as I also expand my consciousness and get out of the world’s agendas. When we turn inward and focus on the messages of the heart we have all the answers we need. That is where I have found the greatest Truth. I can perfectly visualize a world where people work together for each other. A world where the Mother Earth provides the most nourishing food & the purest of water for ALL living beings to enjoy. A world where the healthcare systems work for the people with a mixture of all kinds of healing methods, western/eastern/herbal and all other energetic alternatives combined for complete holistic wellness. I see a flourishing and comfortable economy where there is absolutely enough for everybody and all are comfortable and don’t see abundance in materials but rather in emotional stability. I see humankind using technology and the sciences to create clean energy for our transportation, lifestyles & existence. I see us all moving into a mindset where we work in relationship with Mother Nature and we feel her in us so deeply that we work very hard to keep her as healthy as we can knowing that our work keeps us thriving in bliss. I see our children born knowing themselves and growing into wise adults that have never lost their personal power, using their abilities to teach us a stronger connection to the Divine. I see us trusting one another and our governments…if we even need them, working together honestly. I do see some darkness here as well but that has no power over us!

Dr. Wayne Dyer said “If you can see it in your head, you can hold it in your hand.”

Love is the answer, it has always been!

Move into that neutral space of LOVE and expand!!! I Love you all!

Life. Death. Be.

Life. Death. Be.