All You Need Is Breath...Just Breathe

Healing is a huge topic on this planet.

Healing our bodies, healing the planet, healing our souls.

We are all seeking to find what the latest trend or science is around healing so we can jump on the bandwagon and get ourselves the latest FIX!

What if I told you that you don’t need anything outside yourself to fully heal? That you already have all you need?

You’ll probably get stuck listening to your monkey mind (ego) say “yeah right, i’ve been dealing with this___fill in the blank____for decades now. This girl is trying to tell me that its been me the whole time!?”

Yup, I am!

We all have our limiting beliefs and for many its been the catalyst for our block in our healing journey!

Healing has become the big headline for our great marathon of life.

What are we missing?

Why are we constantly struggling to heal? Then, once we heal from that___we need to heal from this new symptom__, so the story goes year after year. Diet change, habit change, routine shift, new yoga practice, new meditation practice, new exercise commitment, new drug, herbal medicine, protocol after protocol, coaching program after program and we still aren’t quite surfacing what is rooted deepest of all.

Most of us can say we have tried everything. Some can say they don’t even know what it is they are trying to heal but something just feels OFF!

Healing is a journey that is very often imbedded in every one of our cells.

Cellular healing within our cellular memory.

Dr. Bruce Lipton’s work on “The biology of belief” has shown through many studies that our cells carry a memory of every belief we hold, plus the beliefs of our ancestral line. Epigenetic the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than alteration of the genetic code itself, or how our environment turns a gene on and off. Our lifestyle and habits create our dis-ease in our bodies. We can then completely change our cellular blueprint by new beliefs and perspectives about ourselves. Our DNA holds these imprints and when our bodies start to finally show signs of imbalance, through habit or lifestyle, we make the smallest change or add the newest drug (both herbal and allopathic approach) to stop the symptom, ignoring the root cause of our healing.

But what is the root cause of healing?

For each of us it is a different journey however, it can be uprooted in the same way for all of us. Through the carrier of life itself. THE BREATH!

The breath is the bridge between spirit and matter. Consciously engaging with the breath opens up some of the most powerful mysteries of this existence. The masters of the East knew this and used breath as the way to unlock the secrets to the highest states of consciousness and healing. The breath is so powerful that many masters kept this secret and only passed down this knowledge through closed lineages of initiation.

Conscious breathwork is considered to be one of the most advanced techniques of self-mastery on the path of ascended consciousness, physical and spiritual metamorphosis occur when one focuses on the breath of life.

What does this mean?

While healing can take decades or lifetime(s) to work through the root cause of wounds, emotional blockages, imprints and perspective distortions, breathwork techniques will guide a person right through these layers of resistance and untruths. This will put a person in direct contact with source energy for the realignment of their souls healing journey much quicker than almost any other method of healing.

You can only heal by going through it!

In order to FULLY heal ourselves and all that is in our spiritual line, we must release that which holds us back from our highest SELF. This takes some acceptance of our wounds, some intimate and loving recognition, honoring what shows up and finally integrating wisdom and release before we are truly healed and free. The work is a path of courage and the greatest personal growth you’ll ever go through. Its not an easy one, which is why many bypass their wounds with “feel good” drugs, poor habits or spiritual practices that distract themselves from the pain….temporarily…until it shows up again and they recreate the distraction, somethimes this happens for decades or lifetime/s.

However, moving into deep breathwork and full on commitment, not only fully heals and moves us into transformation, it will life us to new ascended experiences, this can stop the inherited passing of wounds and trapped emotions for the next generations. Creating a new DNA lineage for our future. In order for us to return to wholeness we must be willing to know the totality of what exists within us.

Today our evolution is one of whole healing and ascended consciousness.

FOR ME, I came across deep transformational breathwork when I was looking for a way to embrace surrender and let go of control. I have had a yoga and meditation practice for almost two decades now. I knew that healing only occurred on the deepest level, I knew I had to move through it. I was struggling with Inner anxiety and limiting beliefs that I continually removed with energy medicine and emotional release but they were not going away. Knowing that my subconscious was playing old programming, I had to find a way to rewrite the program. I was using sleep hypnosis on anxiety and removal of subconscious beliefs. I called my spirit guides to direct me into where I was needed to look for deep healing work. I was shown breathwork.

My mind was keeping me trapped by attaching to repeated habits, even though my habits, I thought, were healthy.

I meditate and do daily yoga practices, I eat mostly plant based whole foods, I use a gratitude journal, I spend lots of time in nature, I study and read everyday.

What changed was I decided to join an online Kundalini course. I love to experiment with new forms of personal growth and in the past I tried many different styles of yoga including Kundalini to see what resonated most with me.

Kundalini is a style of yoga (there are many different styles), one which I avoided for many years. I avoided this style of yoga because every time I practiced it, I felt lots of anger and irritation rise in me. Kundalini uses mostly deep breathwork with few small movements along with the breath and some mantras. I love mantras and was interested mostly in the practice for the mantras. I decided to take the course because I couldn’t think of why not! It was there in front of me, an offering and since I’m practicing surrendering to life more, I decided I needed to take the course. Well, it sparked a new direction for sure!

The breathwork sparked some deep seeded anger and intense emotion that needed to be looked at and faced. I quickly noticed that once I was done with a breathing session I would feel incredibly sensitive and a tingling of energy burst through my body and space. This energy awareness grew and has now become what I heal most with. I am tapping into parts of my sacred space that is completely in alignment with my greater master, teacher, and guide. The breath.

I have been able to feel my spirit guides more, I am far less triggered by the outer environments and people. I find myself engaging deeper throughout the days with far more patience than i’ve ever felt. I am fully integrating new practices and techniques into my healing practices. This is self-healing at its best.

When you heal yourself you are able to heal anothers.

Since practicing Kundalini I have found other breathwork techniques I love that challenge me daily and I often find myself trying to skip it that day but when I don’t I am so grateful. This work is the entry point to deep change in our interaction to life. I have included breathwork into my daily practice and am looking to become a certified breathwork facilitator this coming fall. This is truly transformational work, the kind you use plant medicine for, yet its with you always wherever you are, whoever you are, whatever beliefs you do or don’t hold. You can’t ignore the breath of life. You can keep it shallow and disconnected or you can utilize this tool as the greatest gift we have been given.

The breath truly is our gateway to the Divine and to our Divine Selves.