Power Of Energy Medicine

As one of my teachers said

“Energy is the foundation of emotional and physical health. Energy Medicine brings you vitality when you are drained, health when you are ill, and joy when you are down."”

-Donna Eden

Energy medicine is both a complement to other approaches to health care and a complete system for self-care and self-help. It can address physical illness and emotional, spiritual or mental disorders, and can also promote high-level wellness and peak performance. It works with the subtle energy that surrounds the body, known as the “the field” and within the body, known as “the chakras”. Energy is your life-force. It is what brings vitality to all your organs and body’s tissues. Energy is working with the magic of life. It is everything!

You heal the body by activating its natural healing energies; you also heal the body by restoring energies that have become weak, disturbed, blocked or out of balance.

To accomplish this goal, energy medicine utilizes techniques from healing traditions such as shamanism, acupuncture, yoga, kinesiology, biofield tuning, sound & light therapy and qi gong. Flow, balance, and harmony can be non-invasively restored and maintained within an energy system by tapping, massaging, pinching, twisting, drumming, shaking, tuning or connecting specific energy points (acupoints) on the skin; by tracing or swirling the hand over the skin along specific energy pathways; through exercises or postures designed for specific energetic effects; by focused use of the mind to connect to a higher energy & move specific energies; and/or by surrounding an area with healing energies (one person’s energies impacts another’s so that it can be received and accepted).

Using energy medicine to treat illness and relieve pain; stop the onset of illness as soon as it begins, stimulate immune function, relieve headaches, release stress, improve memory, enhance digestion, relieve arthritis, neck, shoulder, and low back pain, acknowledge shadows & old belief systems, mental congestion, clearing out what is not your energy, taking on other people’s energies and to cope with electromagnetic pollution.

The greatest thing about this method of healing is that you are able to master it yourself because you are energy! You are electric and you carry electromagnetic energy through your body. By learning simple energy techniques to keep your energies balanced and humming, you can improve your health, sharpen your mind, and increase your joy and vitality. With qigong you can learn pressure points on the body that quickly shift your energy patterns and effect your internal organs creating flow and harmony.

…or find a practitioner who has practiced playing, exploring and learning the nuances of energy, the pathways and the flow of a pure circuit vs. a blocked one. Make sure you trust them as the energy you receive can only be as pure as the energy of where the practitioner is at within their own healing journey.

Energy sessions can look like anything under the book. Because energy is everywhere it doesn’t need to be in-person so it can be done anywhere, with anyone, at anytime. Energy traverses the boundaries of space and time and can heal past, present and future even!! It’s what comes into play before the material of the physical body and world. Experts say that if you learn to work with energy first you become the master of the material and physical world. Curious?

Book a session with me and explore what it can do for you. Let us together move those blocks and places of congestion within your energy field and flow that vital life force energy again. No one should have to live with the discomforts of stuck energy.

Book your energy session here. I offer both deep sessions 75 min. ($125) of transformation as well as short 20 min ($45) sessions for a refresher.