Just about everyone has some amount of emotional baggage from painful life events, right? Most of these come from early childhood. Emotional baggage is very real, and although it's invisible it can easily disrupt your happiness, your success and your health.
Trapped Emotions are literally like balls of energy, vibrating at different frequencies depending on what the emotion is (for example, Anger is a different vibration than Sadness or Insecurity). Trapped Emotions are negative, destructive vibrations, and tend to affect the body wherever they are stuck, creating pain and malfunction of bodily tissues, even disease. They can also cause depression, anxiety and loads of emotional problems. Trapped Emotions can make life miserable, but you can get rid of them using The Emotion Code and lighten your load for good! I am a certified practitioner here to help you locate and move these emotions out of you. Removal of these imbalances allows the body to do what it was intended to do naturally, heal itself!
Dr. Bradley Nelson has been doing this work for over 35 years and with his extensive practice and research he has remarkably narrowed down the most frequent emotions that we humans trap.
So, how is this done?
We use “kinesiology” the science dealing with the interrelationship of the physiological processes and anatomy of the human body with respect to movement using muscle testing.
“When we identify a trapped emotion with The Emotion Code, we first must intend to release it, Intention is everything. Then, using a magnet to amplify the energy of the intention we then put it into the body. We use the Governing Meridian as the entrance point for the amplified intention energy, because the Governing Meridian is an energy reservoir that connects directly to all the acupuncture meridians of the entire body. So when you put energy into the Governing Meridian, it flows instantly throughout the body and the trapped emotion is released!” -Dr. Bradley Nelson
Because Energetic Emotional Release uses energy, similar to Reiki, to remove the emotions it can be practices at a distant from any location on the Earth. By proxy, one person substituting for another, I become the substitute and work with the subconscious of the client. We are all connected and this is working with the Divine Source, The Creator, to remove and free the body of these imbalances.
For further questions email me or set up your appointment here Emotion Code Appointment