Inner-Standing the Quantum Human Design System

Human Design tells us each, how our unique energetic bodies move and operate within the world around us.

This precise system pinpoints the way in which our energy flows as an individual and offers us strategies and insight on how to use our energy correctly so we can find personal alignment as we live our unique life purpose. 

Quantum Human Design combines ancient and modern sciences. It synthesizes wisdom from the Chinese I-Ching, Western Astrology, Hindu Chakra System, and the Kabbalah Tree of Life and integrates this wisdom with Genetics, Quantum Mechanics, Astronomy, and Biochemistry. Truly, a magnificent tool for this time and age of reconditioning.

Scientifically Human Design is based on the Neutrinos. Neutrinos are tiny particles that carry on infinitesimal amount of mass , and as they have mass, they carry information. They are produced from the stars (the Sun produces 70% of all neutrinos) and abort 3 trillion pass through every square inch of the planet per second. It is actually a stream of information, affected by the planets it is passes. At the moment of birth we are imprinted by this neutrino stream. This imprint it is what you see in you Human Design Chart.

In a basic reading you’ll gain insight to your specific way of relating to the world.

We all have a specific Type-The way in which we process energy with its unique combination of Strategy, Authority, Profile, and Definition.

Knowing this information can provide deep insight into why we do what we do, what we need to stop doing (or decondition from), and how we can move forward in our lives as our most magnetic, abundant and authentic self. Just imagine knowing this depth of yourself and then showing up in the world with the space to offer all others a place to deeply know their own energy. Our children and the future generations will have such an amazing experience with acceptance, forgiveness and expression like we have never known before. The freedom that Quantum Healing Design offers is immeasurable.

The primary distinction in the way people experience traits is whether they are “open” or “defined.”

The advance readings will dive deeper into your nine Centers- Head, Ajna, Throat, Self/G, Ego, Sacral, Spleen, Emotional Solar Plexus, and the Root. These areas within your body are where the distribution and transformation of all the energy necessary for the human body. Each of the Centers has its own area of ​​responsibility.

Also within an advanced reading there is opportunity for specific mentoring on areas of deep conditioning or patterns of programmed outdated behavior that may be leading to dis-ease, difficult situations and unnecessary suffering.

Going even deeper offers the availability to experience with how you are aligned with the dance of the universe and this world through all the gates and channels that move through your body, especially when around another persons aura. Many of these centers, gates and channels are either defined and function constantly as you broadcast your intention and energy into the world, or are open available to receive and take in the energies of your environments, relationships and experiences…Oh such magic! This journey back to self

The Quantum Human Design Chart, or Bodygraph, is the map that gives us information about how the body itself and the mind function together, how we personally experience energy, emotion, awareness, identity, ego, instinct, intuition, and the mind.  Among many things, it can also reveal:

  • How our gifts and innate abilities are organically expressed

  • How we can be both wise and vulnerable in relation to the influences around us: societal, interpersonal and planetary

  • Who is attractive to us and why

  • The ways in which we are fixed and consistent, what we can trust in ourselves, how to feel our inner guidance

  • Where we are open to conditioning and coping strategies that lead to confusion, inner conflict, frustration, bitterness, anger and disappointment

  • Which characteristics are conscious and rooted in personality and which are unconscious or rooted in the body

  • How to make decisions using a personal navigation system

  • What role and purpose we are here to express

Most of all, Human Design offers an opportunity to accept and surrender to what is unchangeable and unbroken in us, so that we come to love, trust and rely on ourselves.

A core Human Design motto is “Love Yourself”. All the information found in this rich and complex system can return us to this simple possibility that we are love itself expressing our uniqueness within this human experience. To love and respect ourselves and let life unfold through us.

What it is that makes you uniquely you?

What drives your soul forward and what is a reliable way for you to make decisions?

What are you here to accomplish and learn in this lifetime?

These answers and more are revealed through your unique Human Design.

Body Graph Chart

Human Design can help you make decisions as yourself. If you feel frustration, anger, bittiness, resentment, if you feel that you are not satisfied from your life, you cannot find your peace of mind, you are not successful in your work or you do not have relationships that you are fulfilling, it is because you are dealing life’s everyday’ s dilemmas with your mind.

And decision making from your mind is deeply rooted in your early life’s conditioning. And the voice you can hear in your head to do this or that is not who you are. It is the voice of your parents, the voice your community which says what is correct and what is wrong, it is all kind of voices, but not yours.

Human Design will help you to find your own voice, your way to make decisions as yourself, so that you can find satisfaction in your life, peace of mind, success in your work, and meaningful relationships that will help you grow and fulfill your purpose in this life.

Interested in diving deeper??

Book your reading today👉🏽 BOOK HERE!!