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When energy gets trapped in the body it creates imbalances and these imbalances can lead to dis-ease and many other problems.
With intuitive guidance, techniques using kinesiology, biofield sound frequency, spiritual response therapy, emotion/body code, medical qigong and other spiritual therapies, I show up and hold space for what your body is ready to clear out, remove, and even integrate these misalignments. Assisting you on this journey by pulling out energetic cords, implants, severing unnecessary contracts and unhealthy attachments, we call on what is needed for extra physical nourishment and create balance in your energy field once again. Helping you Align back to YOU!
These are done in-person, if your local, or can be done remotely.
These sessions can be purchased several at a time and scheduled as needed for when life “happens” and throws us off our center.
(GO TO 👉🏽 for this subscription) SAMPLE a Water Transmission HERE
Water Transmission Of BeautyIn this sacred space we will be unraveling the hold of the false self, one transmission at a time. Moving into embodying more LOVE on the planet. We are beings of Love. We are acquainting ourselves with a new world at this time and a new way of being, where we take back our power and are the ones in charge. Using our inner sacred waters. Holding a set frequency of Love and transmitting it through the sacred vessel that is part of us.
You purify.
The Water purifies.
At the frequency of pure Love, with this water transmission, + additional skills for upholding the vibrations, you automatically undo and transmute the mechanism of the false self. Removing the focus so it is no longer working on all your stuff, what's wrong with you, or trying to make yourself better in any way. The mind can be still. For just a moment.
With these weekly water transmissions, you are already going through a fundamental rebirthing from the inside out, where, at the wish of your own purity, any false identity complete with family patterns and personal issues, other lives and old conditioning is disappearing from this planet. It begins to alchemize.
The world floods us with messages about who we should be in order to survive and thrive in this world – but Human Design teaches that the same advice is not correct for everybody.
The road to being your happiest, most successful self is one that is totally unique to you. Human Design is here to help you recognize your innate gifts and traits, so that you can be who you truly came here to be within the vehicle that is your BODY- which is the most effortless road to living your dream life.
This Full Reading will help you understand all of your Energy Centers and your unique configuration.
Your Human Design reading will also reveal to you your unique learning strategy called your Profile. (Your profile looks like a “fraction” at the bottom of your chart.) Different Profiles have different ways of learning. (Did you know that some of us are designed to “make mistakes” and that getting things “wrong” is crucial to helping us learn how to get it right?)
Your Human Design reading will reveal to you your unique Life Purpose and give you even deeper insights into your personal energy and your destiny.
Your reading will give you a profound new way to see the magnificence of who you truly are. This reading looks at your Human Design from a spiritual perspective and helps you understand your Life Purpose, the journey of your soul in this lifetime, and how to re-examine your life experiences so that they become vital lessons instead of stumbling blocks or even trauma.
The Akashic Records, also known as "The Book of Life” or “Source’s Book of Remembrance,” can be equated to the Universe's super-computer system. They are the central storehouse of all information for every individual who has ever lived upon the earth. These records contain our every thought, deed, word, feeling, and intent. They have a tremendous influence on our everyday lives, our relationships, our feelings, our belief systems, and the potential realities we draw toward us.
Understanding our Divine Soul Blueprint with the Akashic Records offers us the ability to make positive aligned choices that serve our unique Soul journey. They contain the highest potential for outcomes along your soul path. These cosmic documents are not tangible, but are approached through the mind and spirit.
In this basic reading we will discover your Soul origin, your unique energetic signature & gifts, your soul tribe and previous incarnations, we will clear previous soul vows that hinder abundance in the present, You’ll gain a better concept of recurring patterns that impede the soul’s progression, discover the blocks and restrictions that are keeping you out of Alignment and clear up what is needed to set you in a positive direction your Divine Nature.
The mission of an Akashic Reading is to ignite the receiver’s Divine Soul Blueprint that guides them to reconnecting with their soul and their ultimate purpose in this realm. If you feel the calling to ‘know’ more, reach out for a private Akashic Reading today.
When our bodies start to compact issue on top of issue over and over again, it is time to hear the call & realign ourselves back to our truest Soul Self!
Our body has a language, an intelligence of its own and it is always communicating to us. The language is soft and subtle leading us to discover the areas where we have been living in conditioning, programs and limiting beliefs that are now ready to be seen, reclaimed and acknowledged. PAIN and SUFFERING are part of the human experience and we all have trauma on some level to integrate. When we get the impulse to start listening to our true nature within, we come into the journey of self realization and healing. Bringing ourselves back to our soul-alignment.
The further out of alignment we are the more our bodies signals to us with symptoms and blocked energy.
These energy blocks and imbalances become pain, weight-gain, problems with our endocrine system, digestion issues, emotional imbalances, brain fog, heart problems, inability to intentionally manifest, mental health and really any dis-ease and ailment that we are experiencing.
For many of us, we have never been shown or taught what it is like to live life from our unique Soul-alignment, our unique Human Design, we are made of the stars and dust of the earth.
We all have gifts and talents that are unique to our Soul Aligned Self. In our society we are taught to follow those who came before and not to pave our own path. However, we are here to express from our unique Design. When we discover our personal unique path, our Soul Self re-aligns to our heart center and we become the empowered masters of our life. Here is where we live a life of abundance, empowerment and joy.
Leading the way for others in this New way of life.
In these sessions, we meet one day a week at a set time that works for both of us for 75 min. The program last 12 weeks or longer depending on each individual.
What you get in the mentorship program:
🤍Akashic Records Reading
🤍 Human Design Reading
🤍 Astrology
🤍 Gene Keys Golden Pathway
🤍 Energy Sessions & Biofield Tuning
🤍Curated forms, meditations, & practices for your personal journey
🤍 Suggestions for working with plant medicine and herbs for support and nourishment
🤍Much more depending on what shows up as we attune and get to know each other
Why 90 days?
This is to re-frame your subconscious mind, shift your cellular matrix and gain habits for a new lifestyle that serves your alignment? T
hat means in only 3 months you could be manifesting your best life, from a brand new mindset, new perspective in a new body! While that requires commitment, stamina and Devotion many find drastic shifts in only 90 days. There is always an option to work with me longer if that is what calls to you as well.
Email me and lets do a discovery call and see if we are a good fit., or go to my contact page.
Read the testimonials at the bottom of this page for others experiences working with me.
Physical structures and land hold vibration as well and just like your body the frequency can alter. We are attracted to places that are vibrationally aligned to us. Sometimes we find ourselves working and living in a place that is misaligned or even has open portals. Easy enough, the land responds to us and our living establishments can be cleared to refresh and add a new vibe.
Ciders, Vinegars, Shrubs, Salves, Salts & Custom Teas all currently in the SHOP.
Head over to see whats in stock and to order your Nature’s medicine today!
“My experience working with Tarah has been a complete shift in my thinking, health, behaviors, and awareness. My body is working so smoothly because I have learned how to listen to it. She helps you dive in and study every facet of your emotional and physical health. I took a 12 week intensive life/health coaching course and implement what I learned every single day still. Do not even get me started on her emotional release. I detox for two days after all of the negative energy/emotions that she helped remove from me. She is seriously a modern day holistic guru that’ll have you laughing as well as learning every time you talk to her.”
- Jayme-Rhae Brooke
“I did not know what to expect when I asked Tarah to be my spiritual mentor. It was something that called to me at that moment in time so I connected with her and she took me on quite the journey! I am a deep thinker and at the same time have a hard time vocalizing what I feel, but Tarah still managed to figure out what I needed and understood me so well. I learned so many things over the 12 week journey that still continue to help me today. I still continue to see shifts in myself which I never noticed before I went on this experience with Tarah.
I’m so grateful for what she has been able to do to help me re-align with myself and help show me that I had the power to do this all along. I have taken things she taught me and applied it in my daily life in my own way. What is shocking to me is that I was shifting through the process but the majority of my growth was not during but was seen well after I was done. The transformation that has been happening and continues each day is so fascinating to me. My life has changed forever, accepting and loving both the light and dark moments.”
-Shagufta Ahmed
“My time I’ve spent working with Tarah, the Mandala Mama, has been transforming for me as a woman, wife and mother. The work was not always easy. At times I even felt angry and tried to avoid the process of healing. All together the work I did was raw and beautiful. I continue to practice the tools I was taught while working with Tarah and follow her herbal recommendations. Her herbal products are some of the highest quality I’ve come across after using herbal medicine the past 20 years.
Practicing self-love takes courage every moment. I truly love and respect Tarah. I highly recommend working with her.”
-Alicia Cooper
“Your words make so much sense to me, I am so amazed that we had the conversations we did and then they would come true! I am learning to allow and write and then I go! Learning so much about myself and how to see things from a new perspective and alignment.”
-Desi C.
“Tarah is just amazing, absolutely amazing! I continue to work with her personally, for my family, pets and so much more. She has helped me with my Human Design, Yoga, Breathwork, Energy Medicine and soo much. I attend her Qigong classes as well and have learned so much about my energy and my soul alignment. I never saw the world in this way and her gentle but straight forward approach is just the accountability I need. I am learning so much about re-patterning my old stories and conditioning to be better for my family and for myself.”
-Karen F.
“Working with Tarah is an absolutely transformative experience; you’ll never be the same, in the best way! Tarah has a piercing way of helping you get to the deepest truths within and then embodying them to live your life on purpose. Every experience, session, and circle I’ve ever done with her has utterly shifted me towards my most aligned, embodied, and empowered self. Tarah’s medicine runs DEEP, if you’re considering working with her - do it right now! You’ll be forever grateful!”
-Alexandria B
“So much love and thanks to you for all of the tools you’ve given me to see myself and others, the gift of what it is being able to experience your magical presence, and the dots that we will be able to connect from here on out. WHAT A FUCKIN TRIP TARAH 🤣 Thank you so much for showing me the parts of myself that were hidden so deep. I also feel like a completely new person…like as if the image of the person I was a year ago was a completely different lifetime ago in a completely different physical body and world. It feels so far away!”
-Ridge R.
“I write this as I am sipping a warm cup of custom herbal tea that was hand-gathered and prepared for me by Tarah! I feel so much love and gratitude for her help in moving through stuck emotions as well as getting to the root of some physical issues that needed awareness. I felt so held and seen during my emotion code session with Tarah, and we uncovered and released a lot of emotions in one single session. Her well of knowledge goes deep and she shares it freely. Thank you, Tarah, for your wisdom and skill. I will be back for another session... and more healing tea blends!”
-Lissa Kennedy
“My experience with Tarah went above & beyond my expectations. Tarah is so passionate & knowledgable in what she does she has a visible light & glow about her while delivering. She breaks things down & makes them easy to understand. I thoroughly enjoyed my experience & will be back for more readings. She is personable & confident & joins you in your excitement. I look forward to more!”
-Cara Chatwin
“I asked Tarah to retrieve my Akashic Record. Having the information is life changing. Tarah is abundantly talented and is walking me through the process of knowing and healing myself.”
-Winnette Rak
“Since working with Mandala Momma, I have felt like all parts of me are online and working. I feel like I’m moving forward with a whole new sense of calm and understanding of who I am and an ability to be present, calm and grounded and all things. I feel changed or rather restored on a deep level. Thank You"
-Brittany Light
“Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! Tarah’s energy work helped me when I was struggling with breathing due to a cold and asthma together. My chest has never felt better and I am able to breath again. I feel so nice and I am really thankful for Tarah’s help, everything else I tried didn’t work. Breathing treatments, prednisone, etc. I have never had energy work before.”
-Rebekah King
“As I work with Tarah, I am learning how to move my energy forward and realizing what is my higher self speaking to me and guiding me to let me know what is best for me. Learning how to feel my body say, yes, this is the right way to go. I am seeing this all works and its pretty cool to realize my Human Design and the experiment with all these embodiment tools. I am so happy I am on this journey with support and a trusted friend.”
-Karen F.
“The qigong yesterday was exactly what I needed. I was amazed at how good my shoulders felt afterwards. How open and grounded my body felt. It was a reminder of why I pursued qigong/taiji in 2022. But your teaching style really hits me better than my previous teacher, Thank You!”
-Alex Brooks
“In the Lion’s Gate Portal of Power I attended we went on a shamanic journey, I have never felt so much energy move through my body like that! It made me feel like I was on Ayahuasca again! This was so good!
-Carlie Y
“The Lion’s Gate Activation was life changing. The dna activation awakened things inside of me, I’ve been pushing away. It activated my womb incredibly powerfully. The transition from one facilitator to the next was seamless and that I felt so ready to go to Sirius. I could literally feel myself go there. Like I mourned leaving earth but was so happy to go to Sirius. And that it felt like home for me. The transmission with Isis from the facilitator Shamana, was so powerful that I wept. It’s probably the most powerful thing I’ve experienced in my spiritual journey. My entire body was activated from the start.”
-Chandra F