Akashic Records
The Akashic Records, also known as "The Book of Life” or “Source’s Book of Remembrance,” can be equated to the Universe's super-computer system. They are the central storehouse of all information for every individual who has ever lived upon the earth. These records contain our every thought, deed, word, feeling, and intent. They have a tremendous influence on our everyday lives, our relationships, our feelings, our belief systems, and the potential realities we draw toward us.
Understanding our Divine Soul Blueprint with the Akashic Records offers us the ability to make positive aligned choices that serve our unique Soul journey. They contain the highest potential for outcomes along your soul path. These cosmic documents are not tangible, but are approached through the mind and spirit.
In this basic reading we will discover your Soul origin, your unique energetic signature & gifts, your soul tribe and previous incarnations, we will clear previous soul vows that hinder abundance in the present, You’ll gain a better concept of recurring patterns that impede the soul’s progression, discover the blocks and restrictions that are keeping you out of Alignment and clear up what is needed to set you in a positive direction your Divine Nature.
The mission of an Akashic Reading is to ignite the receiver’s Divine Soul Blueprint that guides them to reconnecting with their soul and their ultimate purpose in this realm. If you feel the calling to ‘know’ more, reach out for a private Akashic Reading today.