Water Transmissions💦
(GO TO 👉🏽 www.patreon.com/mandala_mama for this subscription) SAMPLE a Water Transmission HERE
Water Transmission Of BeautyIn this sacred space we will be unraveling the hold of the false self, one transmission at a time. Moving into embodying more LOVE on the planet. We are beings of Love. We are acquainting ourselves with a new world at this time and a new way of being, where we take back our power and are the ones in charge. Using our inner sacred waters. Holding a set frequency of Love and transmitting it through the sacred vessel that is part of us.
You purify.
The Water purifies.
At the frequency of pure Love, with this water transmission, + additional skills for upholding the vibrations, you automatically undo and transmute the mechanism of the false self. Removing the focus so it is no longer working on all your stuff, what's wrong with you, or trying to make yourself better in any way. The mind can be still. For just a moment.
With these weekly water transmissions, you are already going through a fundamental rebirthing from the inside out, where, at the wish of your own purity, any false identity complete with family patterns and personal issues, other lives and old conditioning is disappearing from this planet. It begins to alchemize.