Akashic Reading


Akashic Reading


In this basic reading we will discover your Soul origin, your unique energetic signature & gifts, your soul tribe and previous incarnations, we will clear previous soul vows that hinder abundance in this present time.

You’ll gain a better concept of recurring patterns that impede the soul’s progression, discover the blocks and restrictions that are keeping you out of Alignment and clear up what is needed to set you in a positive direction to your Divine Nature.

The mission of an Akashic Reading is to ignite the receiver’s Divine Soul Blueprint that guides them to reconnecting with their soul and their ultimate purpose in this realm. If you feel the calling to ‘know’ more, reach out for a private Akashic Reading today.

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When choosing this service you must;

  • Email me your; Name at birth, current full name, your birthday, date, time (if available), location

  • After you sign up I’ll do the reading and then contact you by email for an appointment to deliver the reading in person or by zoom.