Mentorship 90 Day Soul-Alignment Program


Mentorship 90 Day Soul-Alignment Program


90 day Soul Re-alignment Program

When our bodies start to compact issue on top of issue over and over again, it is time to realign ourself back to our truest Soul Self! Our body has a language of its own and it is always communicating to us. The language is soft and subtle but if we stop listening it gets out of alignment and we start building up energy or blocks and these imbalances become pain, weight-gain, problems with our endocrine system, digestion issues, emotional imbalances, brain fog, heart problems, inability to intentionally manifest, mental health and really any dis-ease and imbalance that we are experiencing.
For many of us, we have never been shown or taught what it is like to live life from our unique Soul-alignment, our unique Design. We all have gifts and talents that are unique to our Soul Aligned Self. In our society we are taught to follow those who came before and not to pave our own path. When we discover our personal unique path, our Soul Self re-aligns to our heart center and we become the empowered masters of our life. Here is where we live a life of abundance, empowerment and joy. Leading the way for others in this New way of life.

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We meet one day a week at a set time that works for both of us for one hour, either in person or by Zoom. The program last 12 weeks. Includes Akashic Records Reading, Human Design Reading, Astrology, direction from the Gene Keys, Energy Sessions and whatever shows up in the 12 weeks that are necessary for your journey.

Why 90 days? This is to re-frame your subconscious mind, shift your cellular matrix and gain habits for a new lifestyle that serves your alignment? That means in only 3 months you could be manifesting your best life, from a brand new mindset, new perspective in a new body!