Apothecary -CIDERS


Apothecary -CIDERS


A traditional recipe made in many cultures all of the world to help awaken the immune & circulatory system.

Great for internal warmth in the winter and movement of energy (Chi) through the blood. As well as moving congestion and sinus mucus in the allergy season of spring and fall! I love it to boost my digestion before a meal or mixed with olive oil for a yummy salad dressing full of benefits.

Stimulates the immune system and is safe to use whenever that tickle appears in your throat or the sinuses begin to swell.

*Not to be used if you are prone to heartburn, peptic ulcers and gastrointestinal inflammation

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Made with locally grown and harvested or organic ingredients of; ginger root, garlic, horseradish, turmeric, red onion, jalapenos, ACV, & honey. Other flavors: pomegranate-orange.